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New Dates TBD!



PERFORM: EXERCISES FOR ARTISTS is a failure-forward workshop with an emphasis on the creative palette found in the imagination of the human body. It is an excellent workshop for any creative adult who desires to deepen and nurture their own process towards artistic self-reliance. This free course is segmented into five sessions over three days. Each session develops a new layer of exercise and awareness, culminating in the development of 5 strengths to bring into any situation, creative or otherwise. 

The sessions begin with a focus on the fundamentals of physical imagination, just as an athlete would focus on the fundamentals of physical skill in their sport. From the work of the senses, we will re-discover our relationship to surprise, joy, fear, risk, and the best teacher of all, failure.  Each participant is allowed to focus on their own path through the exercises, without the space or need to compare their progress with others; every human body is different, and our ability to process imagination is just as varied. 

Some exercises include guided visualizations, creation of visual art, creation of short performances, memory overload, focus overload, and compassionate self-critique. Some exercises will surely seem familiar to those with creative training, but as a result of the pandemic and the scarcity of performance training, they are all incredibly valuable for any artists returning to work. When applied to real problems in our process, simple exercises can have powerful effects. 

The program guides participants to prioritize their individual process, and limits the use of verbal feedback, to reduce the distractions of support, both positive and negative. The sessions tend to build strong ensembles, as artists become less worried about their status in the group and instead, more aware of what they bring to the room. If this sounds intriguing, exciting, relieving, or absolutely terrifying, I promise it's the class for you. Elements of this course are included from many sources, including, but not limited to: Henry Scott's interpretation of Viewpoints and holistic devised performance, and John Turner's Mask & Clown and other courses from the Manitoulin Centre for Creation and Performance. 

The workshop will include a document with the guidelines and the course structure, and all exercise-specific materials will be provided. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes for movement and changes in heat/cold. The floor of the room may be cement, in case that informs what you choose for footwear. Some exercises include large physical movement through space, but we can adapt any exercise for people who are unable to accomplish those exercises as initially described. 


Friday: 6:30pm - 10:00pm

Saturday: 10:30am - 2:30pm

Meal Break
Saturday: 3:30pm - 7:30pm

Sunday: 10:30am - 2:30pm 

Meal Break

Sunday: 3:30pm - 7:30pm

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